Which syllabus does your school follow?
The school is affiliated to CBSE board and has produced excellent results since inception. From Nursery to class V we follow the IB framework as we are an IB authorized school.
How have the school results been in the past few years?
Can you mention a few achievements of students at the state and national level competitions?
Do you also offer the Senior Secondary?
What is the criteria for admission into Senior Secondary for a Meridian student?
Does the school have any tie ups with coaching centers for common entrances?
Are your teachers trained to use technology in the classrooms?
What type of projects are given to the students?
Does the school have counsellors and special educators?
How is the standard of education consistent in all the branches?
If a Pre-Primary child opts for the After School Club program, what are the activities offered?
Assessments FAQ'S
How are students assessed at the Pre-Primary level?
The students are observed on a daily basis and their skills are assessed informally. Various tools of assessment are used to give holistic feedback about the child’s performance.
How are students assessed at the Primary level?
How many academic terms are there in a year?
How is school fee collected?
What are the special provisions granted by CBSE for students with special needs?
How does the school communicate the performance of students to parents?
What are the initiatives taken by the school to improve the performance of the students?
How many students secured a CGPA of 10 in your school?