- Breakfast, snacks, Lunch Provided
- Pollution Free Campus
- Digital Class Rooms
- Science Lab
- Computer Labs
- Robotics Lab
- Assembly Courty Yards
- Auditorium
- Open Air Theater
- Library
- Music & Dance Hall
- Martial Arts
- Archery
- Swimming Pool
- Basketball Court
- Football Court
- Tennis Court
- Atheltic Track
- Cricket Ground/net

Why is the mess facility mandatory?
Nutritious hot meals are provided by our in-house catering at Meridian. The balanced menu is approved by a senior dietician. Teachers monitor the food consumption by students. Children are also taught to socially interact with peers and adapt to different cuisines and learn dining etiquette.
Is the menu available online?
How do you ensure the quality of food served?
Do you serve only vegetarian food?
Do you provide evening snacks?
Do you provide safe drinking water?
Can I taste the food that is served?
What are the snacks served for after school program students?
How do the teachers ensure that the students have all the items served?
Do you serve unlimited quantity of food?
Do you have staggered timings for the juniors and seniors?